This production line includes:
Constantly draw bench & Cold rolling mill---Straightening &Cutting machine----Pay-off stand----Control console
By constantly diameter reducing processing, this production line can produce the small dimension cold-rolled ribbed rebar which mainly used for pipe fittings and precast slab. The finished products can be straightened directly or be looped less than 300kg, and it has been the prior equipment popularized with rural markets and piping fittings factory.
产品代号 Model No. |
LS60 |
原材料直径:毫米 Diameter of Workblank, mm |
6.5-8 |
轧制、拉拔成品直径:毫米 Diameter of finished products, mm |
4-7 |
轧制拉拔速度:米/分 Rolling speed, m/min. |
60 |
综合产能:吨/月 Capacity , tons/ month |
300 |
标配可下料长度:米 Length of Workblank, m |
1.5 -12 |
切断定尺误差 Shear Gauge Error |
±5mm |
不直度偏差:毫米/米 Bending deviation error:mm/m |
≤3mm |
总装机容量:千瓦 Overall Power, Kilowatt |
30kw |
拉拔次数 Diameter -reduction times |
3次 3 times |
剪切控制方式 Cutting regulation |
伺服飞剪 SERVO Shear gauge |
定尺控制方式 Shear Gauge Control |
光电开关定位 Photoelectric Sensor |
轧辊润滑冷却方式 Cooling method of roller |
拉丝粉 drawing powder |
设备总重量:吨 Total weight , tons |
约3.5吨 about 3.5 tons |
联系电话:023-47268896 / 公司地址:重庆市江津区珞璜工业园B区 重庆峰容泰科技有限公司版权所有 Copyright 2014All rights reserved 渝ICP备17002217号-1 渝公网安备50011602501101号